To support this strategy, the Company remains focused on five foundational principles to help guide us in our journey of continuous improvement:
Health and Safety
Maintaining a fatality, injury and illness free performance and culture by ensuring visible and caring leadership, fatality prevention and physical and mental wellbeing
Operational Excellence
Growing margins and delivering a culture of continuous improvement through Full Potential and a rigorous application of operating, technical and exploration discipline
Optimizing our project pipeline of World-Class Assets in Top-Tier jurisdictions to support value accretive growth and a focus on industry-leading return on capital employed
Developing competitive advantage through people with industry leading engagement, leadership and commitment to inclusion and diversity
Environmental, Social, and Governance
Achieving long-term competitive advantage through leading sustainability practices to enable business continuity and growth, support positive social transformation and create shared, long-term value for all our stakeholders
As an important part of Newmont’s internal governance process, new or revised Global Policies and Standards are reviewed and preliminarily approved by a Global Policies & Standards Committee. Following this preliminary approval, the documents are posted for comment by employees for a minimum of 14 days, after which they are finally approved by the Global Policies & Standards Committee. Policies are then submitted for further approval by Mining and Agriculture Africa’s Executive Leadership Team and Board of Directors.
The scope of the Social and Environmental Standards is global, and they apply to all directors, officers and employees of Newmont Corporation, its subsidiaries, and any other entities that it controls. A variance request process for existing or future conditions is in place for S&ER standards. The process provides an alternative mechanism for those instances where a Mining and Agriculture Africa’s site/operation cannot logistically or feasibly conform to a requirement established in a Standard due to special conditions or unique hardships.
Committee charters define the role and responsibility of the committee within the governance framework of the Company. Each member of the Audit Committee, the Leadership Development and Compensation Committee, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee and the Safety and Sustainability Committee meets the independence requirements established by the South African Stock Market Exchange. Our high standards are reflected in our Code of Conduct.
We define “Suppliers” as businesses or individuals that provide goods or services to Agriculture and Mining Africa under terms specified in a contract.
We aim to build mutually beneficial working relationships and partnerships with our Suppliers and will show preference for those Suppliers who are able to demonstrate alignment with the standards contained in this Supplier Code.
Suppliers shall comply with their contract terms and the laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdictions where they do business with, or on behalf of, Agriculture and Mining Africa. These include, but are not limited to, labor and tax laws, laws addressing bribery and corruption, and laws addressing the preservation of health, safety, and the environment.
Suppliers, and all subcontractors working on their behalf, are expected to review and fully understand the content of this Supplier Code and to comply with all provisions specified in their contracts, including provisions related to the content of this Supplier Code.
As outlined in Agriculture and Mining Africa’s Code of Conduct and contract provisions, we also require that Suppliers avoid conflicts of interest, maintain confidentiality, respect Agriculture and Mining Africa’s intellectual property rights, and keep truthful and accurate records (which may be required for auditing purposes).
Agriculture and Mining Africa’s Ethics Solutions Tool allows for comprehensive and confidential reporting to address fraud, abuse, and other misconduct in the workplace while cultivating a positive work environment.
Environmental Management: Agriculture and Mining Africa seeks to avoid, minimize, mitigate, and/or remediate negative impacts on the environment and proactively manage risks. As detailed in our Supplier contracts, Suppliers shall conduct activities in an environmentally responsible manner, including meeting all legal requirements for water and air emissions, pollution controls, chemical and waste management. Our Supplier contracts require that Suppliers conduct activities at Agriculture and Mining Africa operations and sites in accordance with applicable Environmental Standards.
Health and Safety: The well-being of people is Agriculture and Mining Africa’s top priority, and the right to life and right to healthy and safe working conditions are among our most salient human rights. Our goal is zero harm – defined as a workplace free from injuries and illnesses and measured by zero fatalities. Our Supplier contracts require that Suppliers comply with all applicable Agriculture and Mining Africa site and workplace policies, standards, and procedures related to health and safety. Agriculture and Mining Africa may provide job hazard analysis training to Supplier’s personnel.
Human Rights and Labor: Agriculture and Mining Africa is committed to implementing the human rights and labor principles of the United Nations Global Compact through its operations and supply chain. Accordingly, we require our suppliers to respect internationally proclaimed human rights and make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses; respect the labor rights of their employees, including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining;